Relationships help make a church community strong, healthy and vibrant.
First Mennonite Church deeply values the relationships we have with organizations that also teach, give, care and serve in the name of Christ. Through gifts, prayer, encouragement, time, or presence we joyfully support the following.
Mennonite Church Saskatchewan is an Area Church of Mennonite Church Canada, and part of the larger Mennonite Church within North America. Mennonite Church Saskatchewan consists of 28 congregations throughout the province. We have covenanted together to support each other in ministry, to do things together which we cannot do alone, to be Church together throughout the province, and to connect to the larger Mennonite Church in Canada and around the world. As an integral part of this body, FMC provides an annual donation to Mennonite Church Saskatchewan so that we can operate programs and support partnering organisations.
Mennonite Church Canada is the conference of Mennonites in Canada, with head offices in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mennonite Church Canada is made up of 31,000 baptized believers in 225 congregations throughout Canada. As an integral part of this body, FMC provides an annual donation to Mennonite Church Canada so that we can do ministry together.
MCC is a global, non-profit organisation that strives to share God’s love and compassion through relief, development and peacebuilding. FMC supports MCC through donations, volunteering at the MCC Saskatchewan office, Village Green, a used furniture store, and Ten Thousand Villages, a fair-trade retailer. A church-run blanket-tying/quilting group made 290 blankets/quilts in 2016, most of which, were donated to MCC.
Once a year FMC hosts a bag lunch to support the work of CFBG. CFGB is a partnership of 15 church and church-based agencies working together to end global hunger.
FMC supports CMU because it offers a great university education within the context of a Christian community. Graduates say CMU’s academics and Christian faith helped to shape their character and thinking, and gave them the tools with which to prioritize life commitments.
FMC supports RJC because the school is rooted in the Christian faith and is closely tied to its heritage and history. Graduates say RJC allowed them to experience Christian community and service, foster life-long friendships, and shaped their Christian identity.