No Other Foundation
What is a Mennonite? Is it a culture? A style of dress? Foods that taste great but gives you bad breath? A style of worship? A language? What’s foundational? Here on the prairies where Russian Mennonites are ubiquitous, we often get side-tracked about what is foundational. We tend to talk about things that set us apart, focus on the institution, or talk about the church as if its ours. Paul reminded the Corinthian Church that Jesus Christ is foundational. A Mennonite is nothing more than a person who has received the gospel—the indiscriminate gift of grace that God in Christ has given everybody. A Mennonite not only confesses Jesus Christ as Lord, but follows and trusts in the Spirit of Jesus to guide him/her in daily life.
To access today’s worship video please click the following link:
Called to DEEP Living
On this Easter Sunday, our journey takes us to the empty tomb. When crucified Jesus is raised from the dead, he thereby sets in motion a commissioning of his followers to go, show, and tell the world the truth—God is determined to raise up the world, to defeat death, and to conquer evil in order that God’s good intentions for the world might be completely fulfilled. Easter was therefore an occasion for the sending of the disciples forth to live deep lives as a sign of what God is up to, first in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and then in the defeat of evil and death. Living deeply as a follower of the resurrected Christ is to be an ambassador of the resurrection.
To access today’s Easter worship video please click the following link:
If you want to watch the joint Good Friday worship service between Mount Royal Mennonite and FMC, please click here:
.Called to DEEP Growth
Today is the sixth Sunday of Lent, also known as Palm Sunday. Today, our journey with Jesus takes us to the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We are called to DEEP hope, but we are not sure who to place our hope in. Is it the unrealistic hope and lofty expectations of the crowds? Is it the misunderstood and confusing hope of the disciples? Is it the hope of the Empire who tells us hope lies in Caesar? How can one hope in a Messiah who rides into Jerusalem on a lowly donkey? As everyone puzzles over who Jesus is, the path he is on will carry him to the garden, a trial, a forsaken hill, and a cold, dark tomb.
To access today’s worship video please click the following link: