Planting Relationships of Hope, Peace Sunday

Today, Eileen Klassen Hamm will be exploring the images from these three scriptures – a strong tree, reconciliation, and hope – and link them to MCC’s work in Haiti, DR Congo and Colombia. God is at work through us as we create networks of relationships that cross economic, social, religious divides. We are invited to build strong webs of reciprocity and generosity even in the midst of the world’s pain to demonstrate our Hope in God.

To view the worship video, please click the link:

Peace Combatants

Today is the last in Pastor Rod's sermon series on Ephesians. Paul says our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh but against cosmic powers. What are these cosmic powers? How to they impact our behaviour and attitude?  Our relationship with others? We prepare for this battle by arming ourselves in peculiar Christian ways so that we can wage peace.

To watch the worship video, please click on the link: