FMC’s Mission Statement speaks about being a caring community of believers.  We try to care for one another in formal ways such as visits from deacons or the pastor.  Once a year, the pastor and the deacons will visit FMC members who are unable to attend church activities and share communion with them in their place of residence.  FMC has a group of people who have committed themselves to pray for people in the church and for the larger community and world. If an emergency arises with someone in the congregation, and they request prayer, we have a confidential process in place to share this prayer request with the prayer group.  

People at FMC care for one another in informal ways.  People will go out for coffee with others, have people over for meals, come to church for coffee and informal visiting, etc.. FMC also has an informal group that goes out to a restaurant each Sunday after morning worship to eat, talk, and visit.